Collage art by Charlee Andree
art by Charlee Andree

Truth in Untruth: practices of Myth-making

The content of this collection was produced entirely by Cora Lee Oxley, the first graduate of Boise State University’s Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies. She created a playlist that accompanies this mini-collection. Find links to two specific songs to be played in each piece.

In this collection, Oxley moves in and out of personal and literary essays, visual art, and poetry. She introduces it through a personal conversation with good friends, centered on the following guiding questions: 

  • How can we be good stewards of myth?
  • What are we to do with myth-making systems that disrupt, rather than benefit, our shared bodies of wisdom and connection?
  • What myths serve us and which don’t? How can we know and agree upon the difference?

Fall 2023: Conservation & Belonging in the Outdoors

Our fifth curated collection focuses on two expressions of the outdoors that we understand as co-constitutive: Conservation and Belonging. The outdoors is for everybody and we all have a stake in the ecological integrity of the natural world. We’re going to need each other in the work that lies ahead. The works assembled here articulate different relationships between us and what we think of when we think of the outdoors. Together, this collection represents the committed, contemplative, and joyful space in which we are engaged in the outdoors, somewhere between being and becoming.

Edited by Kyle Boggs and Hailey Pike

image taken by Sabina Barber

Spring 2023: Break the Ice (before it melts)

Our fourth full collection centers the climate crisis as a significant and ever present reality in our lives. The fact of climate change is with us in our day-to-day lives, haunting our visions of the future, strengthening our commitments to each other and our communities.The selected works reflect a gauntlet of thoughts and emotions that reflect frustration and profound anxiety, but also hope as we reimagine and build a better world together.


Edited by Kyle Boggs, Sabina Barber, and Juliana Rennó B.

This image of a Great Grey Owl was taken by Jordan Rudeen near Emmet, ID in January, 2022.

Spring 2022: Meditations on Teaching and Learning in the Time of Covid

The third collection of the Writing for Change Journal broadly captures what it has meant to teach and learn during the pandemic, and the myriad of ways we have been agents of change during the last two and a half years. Vulnerable, imaginative, and at times confrontational and provocative, these pages demonstrate newfound capabilities to grow, and previously unrealized capacities to change. This collection begins from the assumption that what we have learned and what we have taught others in the face of unprecedented challenges reveals our strength and resilience, and ultimately our belief in a better world, a world that reflects our becoming.

Edited by Kyle Boggs, Sarah Jones, and Makyra Williamson.


photo by Kyle Boggs

Fall 2021: Coping

For our second collection, given the ongoing pandemic and the state of in-betweenness in which we find ourselves, we invited submissions centering on Coping. With a focus on coping, how we cope, what we cope with, and with whom we cope, this collection ultimately attends to new forms of empathy and compassion.

Edited by Kyle Boggs, Sarah Jones, and Makyra Williamson


photo by Kyle Boggs, edited by Mindy Boggs.

Spring 2021: Reflections and Reactions to 2020

In this introductory collection of the Writing for Change Journal, we asked the greater Boise community to submit their reflections and reactions to the challenges of the past year. We received submissions from Boise State students, local high school students, and other community members. What we found is that somewhere between the still-unfolding global pandemic, the seen and unseen inequalities revealed and exacerbated through the health crisis, the racial justice reckoning on police and criminality, the divisive political rhetoric, and the ongoing environmental catastrophe–these writers and artists have managed to find strength through community. Within these works is hope for a shared world in which we rise together, respond together, and in actions large and small, we find new ways to be accountable to each other.

Edited by Kyle Boggs, Natalia DiGiosia, and Becky Wilson. Mitch Gentry provided early creative work that contributed to the success of this collection